Friday, July 3, 2015

                                                                                                                         Gabriela Berlanga

1:How many abuse types are there?
2.:How does physical abuse start off?
3:Why does the abuser abuse? 
4:Why do people stay in an abusive relationship?
5:How do people who get abused get out of it?

1. There are six type of abuses,
 PhysicalScratching, punching, biting, strangling or kicking. Throwing something at you such as a phone, book, shoe or plate. Pulling your hair. Pushing or pulling you. Grabbing your clothing. Using a gun, knife, box cutter, bat, mace or other weapon. Smacking your bottom. Forcing you to have sex or perform a sexual act. Grabbing your face to make you look at them. Grabbing you to prevent you from leaving or to force you to go somewhere. 
 Emotional/VerbalCalling you names and putting you down. Yelling and screaming at you. Intentionally embarrassing you in public. Preventing you from seeing or talking with friends and family. Telling you what to do and wear.  humiliate you. Blaming your actions for their abusive or unhealthy behavior. Stalking you. Threatening to commit suicide to keep you from breaking up with them. Threatening to harm you, your pet or people you care about. Making you feel guilty or immature when you don’t consent to sexual activity. Threatening to expose your secrets such as your sexual orientation or immigration status. Starting rumors about you. Threatening to have your children taken away. 
SexualUnwanted kissing or touching. Unwanted rough or violent sexual activity. Rape or attempted rape. Refusing to use condoms or restricting someone’s access to birth control. Sexual contact with someone who is very drunk, drugged, unconscious or otherwise unable to give a clear and informed “yes” or “no.” Threatening someone into unwanted sexual activity. Repeatedly pressuring someone to have sex or perform sexual acts. Repeatedly using sexual insults toward someone
 FinancialGiving you an allowance and closely watching what you buy. Placing your paycheck in their account and denying you access to it. Keeping you from seeing shared bank accounts or records. Forbidding you to work or limiting the hours you do. Preventing you from going to work by taking your car or keys
DigitalTells you who you can or can’t be friends with on Facebook and other sites. Sends you negative, insulting or even threatening emails, Facebook messages, tweets, DMs or other messages online. Uses sites like Facebook, Twitter, foursquare and others to keep constant tabs on you.
StalkingShow up at your home or place of work unannounced or uninvited. Send you unwanted text messages, letters, emails and voicemails. Leave unwanted items, gifts or flowers. Constantly call you and hang up. Use social networking sites and technology to track you
2. Physical abuse starts off with little things such as. Shoving, pushing, yelling, controlling, grabbing on to you to tightly, kicks you, and etc. Little things like these are the start of physical abuse. They start of with those small things. And then they become bigger. The next step starts off with, slapping, kicking, throwing something at you, grabbing you tightly and then letting go. usually saying sorry and forgetting about it is also a sign of a starting abuse. You let them do it they tell you they are sorry and you forgive them. Its like a sign of them controlling you, and that makes the person think its ok because next time he/she does it they will know that you will forgive them all over again. Then it becomes a cycle.  and when you get use to it and he does as well that is where the actual abuse comes out from. Punching, knife on your throat, leaving marks and bruises on your body.
3. Some abuser abuses because they have so much anger and hate towards others. Sometimes they are just the jealous type that who ever they are with they should not talk to anyone look at anyone or even say hi to anyone because he/she might get offended. sometimes these people have been through abuse themselves and they believe that it is right to hit others or as well they might seen someone doing it constantly and thought it was right to do so.
4. Its common for someone to stay with the person they love who abuses them. Its like a love hate thing. At times most people choose to stay because they are either afraid, think they are in love, or they believe they get abused because its all there fault. some times the abuser blames the person for things and in there mind because they love them in there mind they believe that it actually is there fault.
5. When getting out of an abusive relationship you first have to seek for help, save some money, and proof that you have been abused. Restraining orders may help as well but not all the time. Seeking for help and finding a place to stay some where far away from the abuser.